Rev. Jeffrey Brown, Co-Founder, RECAP

Rev. Jeffrey Brown, Co-Founder, RECAP (Rebuild Every Community Around Peace), spoke at the Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference in Fort Worth, TX on October 5, 2015. In response to deaths from gang violence and the belief that faith-based organizations such as the church should respond, Rebuilding Every Community Around Peace (RECAP) was formed. RECAP is a partnership that leverages the expertise developed by Rev. Jeffrey Brown’s over 20 years of experience of gang mediation and intervention, and police/community relations in the US and around the world. Here, Rev. Brown tells the story of his life’s work.

|November 4, 2015

Sasha Abramsky, Journalist and Author

Sasha Abramsky, journalist and author, discussed the poverty he has witnessed across America and how it is a “corrosive brew capable of eating away at the underpinnings of democratic life…”

|October 13, 2015

Don’t Leave the Community out of Community Revitalization

An African adage says “What you do FOR me but WITHOUT me, you do TO me.” Hear from Purpose Built Network Members how they have authentically engaged the community throughout the planning and implementation phases. Panelists share their overarching philosophy of community engagement, but also specific advice based on what has worked well and not so well. Moderator: John Majors, Vice President, Purpose Built Communities. Panelists: Trudy Bartley, Executive Director, PACT, Curt McPhail, Program Director, Northside Development Group, Eddy Moratin, Executive Director, LIFT Orlando

Blazing New Trails within Public Schools

Several Purpose Built Communities Network Members are blazing a new trail within traditional public school systems. Hear how they are tackling change to achieve better results for the children in their neighborhoods.
Moderator: Carol Naughton, President, Purpose Built Communities, Panelists: Laura Clark, Executive Director, Renaissance West Community Initiative, Sally Mackin, Executive Director, Woodlawn Foundation,
Othello Meadows, Executive Director, 75 North, Purpose Built Communities Network Member, Omaha

Purpose Built Communities at the Chautauqua Institution

Carol Naughton gave a talk explaining the Purpose Built Communities model and how it came about, and then moderated a panel with three of our Network Members, the chairman of the Bayou District Foundation (New Orleans) Gerry Barousse, the president of the East Lake Foundation (Atlanta) Danny Shoy, and the Executive Director of Seventy Five North (Omaha) Othello Meadows. We were also joined by Dr. Doug Jutte, executive director of the Build Healthy Places Network.

September 28, 2015

How the Miracle at East Lake spread to New Orleans

Jimmy Roberts of NBC Sports and the Golf Channel tells the story of a group of business leaders from New Orleans who came to East Lake in Atlanta after Hurricane Katrina and then replicated one of the most successful urban revitalization initiatives in the country, creating Columbia Parc at the Bayou District. The Bayou District Foundation's initiative led to the formation of Purpose Built Communities and the replication of what is now known as the "Purpose Built Communities Model" in cities across the country. Jimmy Roberts interviews Gerry Barousse, the chairman of the Bayou District Foundation at the 2015 Tour Championship by Coca-Cola at the East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta.

Florentine Films – David McMahon discusses films of social consequence

Florentine Films has produced some of the most acclaimed documentary films ever made, including Ken Burns’ “The Civil War” and “The Dust Bowl.” David McMahon, producer of “The Central Park Five” and “Jackie Robinson” shared clips from these films and discussed their social and cultural significance in American life.

|September 4, 2015

East Lake’s Reaction to Hurricane Katrina

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, roughly 100,000 residents of New Orleans who were displaced by the storm and flooding came to Atlanta. Like many other communities, East Lake welcomed families who had arrived with almost nothing and helped them find stability in their lives. Carol Naughton, who was the Executive Director of the East Lake Foundation at the time, reflects on this experience and how the community came together to help.

New Orleans’ Bayou District 10 Years After Katrina

Ten years later, three business leaders from New Orleans came to Atlanta after their city was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Upon seeing East Lake’s successful revitalization, they were moved to replicate what they saw in their own city as a part New Orleans’ rebirth. The East Lake Foundation allocated staff and resources to help the New Orleans team find a path forward.