Our Model

The Purpose Built model helps foster a culturally rich, generationally inclusive, and economically diverse neighborhood. All fundamental needs of children and families are addressed—a safe place to live, high-quality education, access to quality jobs, and access to healthy food and recreation.

Services & Support

Purpose Built is an incubator, convener, and catalyst for social change. We provide guidance and coaching to implement the Purpose Built model along with a robust community of practice and regular convenings so that Network Members can learn from peers and others in the field of place-based partnerships.

See Our Model in Action

Join us for a day in Atlanta to see the model and its impact in action. Alongside the Purpose Built team, you’ll explore neighborhoods such as East Lake, Historic South Atlanta, and Grove Park, experiencing a firsthand look at how we’re creating pathways to prosperity.

Resources & Publications

Discover a rich array of resources including reports, case studies, and toolkits here. Each one delves into the roles of people and place in neighborhood revitalization, outlining our collective responsibility to ensure thriving communities for all children and families.

Speaker Request Form

Interested in having a Purpose Built team member speak at your event? Fill out our request form, and we will get in touch with you.

Purpose Built Communities