

We are so constantly and fundamentally surrounded by racism in the way our systems and public institutions have been structured and operate that it can be easy to not see it. To effectively revitalize a neighborhood, we need to look through a structural lens at our political, economic, social, and cultural history in order to fully understand the meaning of racism in America and how to address it in our institutions.

Glenn Harris, president of Race Forward, led a session about racial equity in 2015 at the Purpose Built Communities annual conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Listen


Rev. Jeffrey Brown, Co-Founder, RECAP

In response to deaths from gang violence and the belief that faith-based organizations such as the church should respond, Rebuilding Every Community Around Peace (RECAP) was formed. RECAP is a partnership that leverages the expertise developed by Rev. Jeffrey Brown’s over 20 years of experience of gang mediation and intervention, and police/community relations in the US and around the world.

Glenn Harris, Center for Social Inclusion

Glenn Harris, the President of the Center for Social Inclusion, led an interactive session about racial equity at the 2015 Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference in Fort Worth, TX. He discussed the reality of race and its historic, cultural, and institutional impact, the need for progressive economic policy development and the need to reimagine the roles and practices of community and government in addressing inequity.

The Honorable Kelly Allen Gray, City of Fort Worth Councilmember

As part of the 2015 Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference, attendees visited the Renaissance Heights development, the target area of investment and collaboration for the Purpose Built Communities Network Member the Renaissance Heights Development Group.The Honorable Kelly Allen Gray, City of Fort Worth Councilmember serving District 8, discusses the history of the Renaissance Heights United initiative and what successful, cross-sector collaboration looks like in Fort Worth, TX.

Reflections from Breanna Pruitt, Renaissance Heights Student

The Renaissance Heights United initiative is a partnership breathing new life into a section of Southeast Fort Worth, TX. Breanna Pruitt, a fifth grade student at the Uplift Mighty public charter school that is part of the Renaissance Heights initiative, talks about the impact her school has had on her life.

Place Matters – the Top 10 Things You Need to Know

Carol Naughton, President of Purpose Built Communities and David Erickson, PhD, Director of the Center of Community Development Investments at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco lead a discussion about the Top 10 things you need to know in Community Development right now. This session provides an overview of the latest thinking and research about how place-based initiatives can help achieve better outcomes for the people who live in them.

|November 5, 2015

Patrick Sharkey, Associate Professor of Sociology at NYU

Patrick Sharkey, Associate Professor of Sociology at New York University and author of “Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress Toward Racial Equality” spoke at the Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference in Fort Worth, TX. He discussed how in the 1960s, many believed that the civil rights movement’s successes would foster a new era of racial equality in America. Four decades later, the degree of racial inequality has barely changed. To understand what went wrong, Professor Sharkey shared why we have to understand what has happened to African American communities over the last several decades and what urban policies that have the potential to create transformative and sustained changes in urban communities and for the families that live within them.

Building Healthier Places

A city comprised of healthy neighborhoods is a healthy city. This is a discussion about the health harms of impoverished neighborhoods and why doctors increasingly see the work of community development organizations as critical to making these communities healthier. Moderator: Douglas Jutte, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Build Healthy Places Network. Panelists: Olis Simmons, Founding President and Chief Executive Officer, Youth UpRising, Lisa Chamberlain, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford Children’s Hospital.