Great Outcomes Start With Early Learning – A View From The Network

One of the challenges in our work is creating a high-quality cradle-to-college pipeline. Specifically, we must ensure that the latest research is being utilized not only by early learning partners, but is shared by partners in elementary school and beyond. How can community quarterbacks who are not experts in education make sure their projects are utilizing best practices and research to achieve the best possible outcomes? Hear from renowned experts in the field of early childhood education and find out how project partners can infuse the best of early childhood education into their educational pipelines.

The Purpose Built Communities Model and The Network at Work

The Purpose Built Communities model was born in East Lake, but the 20 projects that now comprise the Purpose Built Network continue to innovate and produce neighborhood and life-changing results across the country. Purpose Built Communities’ President Carol Naughton discusses the model in action in different neighborhoods across the United States and how Community Quarterbacks are applying a local touch to a national model.

|November 19, 2019

Lift Orlando And The Communities Of West Lakes

LIFT Orlando is the community quarterback for the Communities of West Lakes, an area adjacent to Camping World Stadium and a stone’s throw from Downtown Orlando. Learn how LIFT Orlando and its partners are working together to implement the Purpose Built Communities model of neighborhood revitalization, and hear about their exciting progress in the areas of housing, education and community wellness.

Leading with Equity


Building racial, social and health equity in communities of concentrated poverty is not an unrealistic dream - it's happening in real-time across the Purpose Built Communities network. A group of thoughtful leaders from diverse backgrounds in different cities have moved from talking to leading with equity.

Michelle Matthews, Senior Vice President at Purpose Built Communities, moderated a discussion in Orlando in 2018 with the first cohort of Equity Ambassadors - Kia Baker of the Southeast Raleigh Promise, Kirk Wester of Growing Together in Tulsa, Danny Shoy of the East Lake Foundation in Atlanta, and Sally Mackin of Woodlawn United in Birmingham. Listen


Locking Up Human Capital


More Americans are sent to jail than ever before in human history. Most of them are young, African American men living in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty. Mass incarceration devastates the communities where it has removed a generation of residents, with long-term impacts for generations.

Dr. Todd Clear, professor at Rutgers University's School of Criminal Justice, presented to the Purpose Built Communities annual conference in Orlando in 2018 about how over-incarceration impoverishes communities, hurts our country, and ultimately fails to achieve its original goal - to deter criminal behavior and lower the overall crime rate. Listen


Purpose Built Communities’ Equity Ambassadors

Building racial, social and health equity is one of the primary goals of the Community Quarterbacks in the Purpose Built network. Several Community Quarterback leaders have formed the first cohort of Equity Ambassadors to deepen their knowledge – and the Network’s – of how we should elevate and value equity. In this conversation, they share their reflections from this journey.

Trauma-Informed Community Building

Pervasive current and historical trauma caused by systemic racism, violence, isolation, poverty, and substance abuse undermine the social cohesion that is a necessary foundation for initiating community building and sustaining community development efforts. In this session, Emily Weinstein presents a model of Trauma-Informed Community Building that takes in to account the realities of community trauma and offers alternative strategies to de-escalate chaos and stress, build social cohesion and foster community resiliency over time.