The Power of Philanthropy


Warren Buffett has been called a wizard, an oracle, a sage - a wise and prophetic investor who knows value when he sees it. In this last episode of Season Two, Warren Buffett sat down with CNBC's Becky Quick in Omaha in 2017 to talk about how America's systems fundamentally misdirect money into the hands of too few to the detriment of the many. He called on philanthropists looking to have the biggest impact for their investments to shed their pretensions and one-upsmanship and look where things are working to attack at the root of the problem. Listen


Strength Through Diversity


There's an opportunity cost to separating and segregating people: we're not getting the best ideas, the creativity, the innovation out of discriminated communities that can lift up those neighborhoods and our country. Diversity brings out the best in people.

Dr. Katherine Phillips, professor of organizational behavior at Columbia Business School, told Purpose Built Communities' annual conference in Omaha in 2017 that, to understand the value of diversity and use it to learn and innovate more effectively, we need to start by making small changes in ourselves. Listen


Personal Relationship with Race


Institutional racism does not just impact people who are old enough to vote and have a job. It's a lifelong reality from birth to death, and it's taught, reinforced and perpetuated when our students are in America's classrooms.

Dr. Beverly Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College and bestselling author, talked with the Purpose Built Communities' Michelle Matthews in Omaha in 2017 about how people of different ages discuss race - starting as students in the classroom - and how a deeper understanding and a servant approach to the discussion can help break down the barriers of segregation. Listen


Creating Effective Partnerships with Public School Districts-Omaha

The national education reform debate often pits charter schools against traditional public schools. Largely absent from the national conversation at this time are the innovations that public school districts are making with other organizations, including charter management organizations, using alternative models of partnerships that bring essential leadership, curricula and community outreach models to communities that need them most. This session explores how new partnerships are changing outcomes for children and families in North Omaha. 2017 Purpose Built Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Role of Health Care Providers in Building Healthy Neighborhoods

Few hospitals and health systems have worked to systematically address the social determinants of health, despite having mission-related and even regulatory reasons to try. Two visionary leaders who believe this is about to change discuss the emerging role of healthcare providers in community development and neighborhood revitalization. 2017 Purpose Built Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Rent is Too Damn High! Innovative Approaches to Permanent Housing Affordability

When 2010 New York State gubernatorial candidate Jimmy McMillan branded his campaign with “The Rent is Too Damn High,” the phrase became a viral sensation. In many cities around the country, the rent is, indeed, too high! There is no city in America that a family of four with two adults earning minimum wage can afford an apartment. Our panelists will share their perspectives from years in the housing industry and their innovative approaches to consistently fostering affordable housing solutions for some of America’s most vulnerable families. 2017 Purpose Built Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

Providing Tools to Grow Your Community’s Workforce and Earning Power

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Every community needs them. In economically disadvantaged communities, the jobs and skills necessary to hold them can be in short supply. Learn about workforce development programs that are successfully getting people the skills — and jobs — they need to increase their earning power and improve their lives. 2017 Purpose Built Conference, Omaha, Nebraska

The Case for Mixed Income-Housing

Over the last 25 years, an increasing number of cities have moved away from building affordable housing that concentrates families and children in neighborhoods of poverty. This session explores the evidence to date of how building affordable housing within a mixed-income setting can be more beneficial for people of all income levels, especially low income families and children. 2017 Purpose Built Conference, Omaha, Nebraska

House Rules: Considerations for Leaders – Larry James

Persistent racial inequality and poverty are especially evident in America’s cities. This speech focuses on effective leadership considerations to sustain a commitment to equality, inclusiveness, and recognition that fighting poverty involves bringing the entire community together in the heart of the city. 2017 Purpose Built Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

Hungry, Yet Hesitant: Critical Conversations about Race in the 21st Century with Dr. Beverly Tatum

In the 20th Anniversary Edition of her book, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria, Dr. Tatum provides insightful analysis of the social and political context of the last 20 years in communities and work places where we are often “hungry yet hesitant” for a conversation about race in America. The conversation, moderated by Purpose Built Communities Senior Vice President Michelle Matthews, explores our problems from different perspectives and challenge us to look in the mirror as we think about who we are and whom we serve. 2017 Purpose Built Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.