Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston

The Honorable Mike Johnston is an educator turned top policy advisor to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. He is co-founder of New Leaders for New Schools, and widely acclaimed as one of the nation’s most influential educators. Senator Johnston, who was recently recognized by Time Magazine as a rising political star, shared stories about how teaching in the poverty-stricken Mississippi Delta took him beyond the classroom in his quest to change lives. He is also the author of a memoir about his early teaching experience, “In the Deep Heart’s Core.” 2013 Conference, New Orleans.

Purpose Built Communities – Full Overview

urpose Built Communities is transforming lives through its model for holistic community revitalization. With this video, you can take a tour of some of the success stories in cities across America, and hear from the people who are turning dreams into reality.

July 11, 2013

Purpose Built Communities Overview

Purpose Built Communities is working to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. We do that by helping local leaders transform struggling neighborhoods, and bringing together the vital components necessary for holistic community revitalization.

July 11, 2013

Miracle At East Lake (CNBC Feature)

The successful redevelopment of Atlanta's East Lake community served as a blueprint for Purpose Built Community's approach to holistic community revitalization. This report on CNBC's "Business Nation" chronicles the East Lake renewal and the ongoing mission of Purpose Built Communities.

TEDxOmaha: Othello Meadows

Othello Meadows III received a standing ovation for his vision of holistic community revitalization. Meadows is Executive Director of Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp., a community revitalization and development organization. Backed by The Sherwood Foundation (Susie Buffett) and Warren Buffett, Meadows is developing an urban infill project in North Omaha.