Dr. Douglas Jutte, “The Doctor is Out: Health is Where You Live, Learn, Work & Play”

Dr. Douglas Jutte, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician and population health researcher at the University of California Berkeley's School of Public Health. He teaches in the UC Berkeley-UC San Francisco Joint Medical Program and serves as associate director of the master's degree in Health & Medical Sciences. 2013 Conference, New Orleans.

Staying the Course: A Conversation with Our Founders

Wide-ranging discussion with the founders of Purpose Built Communities.
Shirley Franklin, Former Executive Board Chair of Purpose Built Communities (and former Mayor of Atlanta), Thomas G. Cousins, Chair Emeritus, Cousins Properties, Inc.; Co-Founder, Purpose Built Communities, Julian H. Robertson, Jr., Chairman, Tiger Management, LLC; Co-Founder, Purpose Built Communities. 2013 Conference, New Orleans.

Tulane University President Scott Cowen, Tulane Empowers

In "Resurgence and Revitalization: Reimagining Tulane as an Engaged Community Partner," Dr. Scott Cowen, President of Tulane University, discussed how, eight years ago, Hurricane Katrina marked the beginning of Tulane's transition to a more deeply engaged university, how Tulane has dismantled the ivory tower and is leveraging its impact as an anchor institution in the New Orleans community. 2013 Conference, New Orleans.

Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston

The Honorable Mike Johnston is an educator turned top policy advisor to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. He is co-founder of New Leaders for New Schools, and widely acclaimed as one of the nation’s most influential educators. Senator Johnston, who was recently recognized by Time Magazine as a rising political star, shared stories about how teaching in the poverty-stricken Mississippi Delta took him beyond the classroom in his quest to change lives. He is also the author of a memoir about his early teaching experience, “In the Deep Heart’s Core.” 2013 Conference, New Orleans.