Shirley on the Road: The Atlantic Forum on Urban Progress

On May 7, Former Executive Board Chair of Purpose Built Communities Shirley Franklin participated in The Atlantic Forum on Urban Progress in Washington DC. Watch her interview with Steve Clemons, Washington Editor at Large at The Atlantic.

May 8, 2015

Purpose Built at Cleveland Fed

Carol Naughton, SVP at Purpose Built Communities, participated in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s “Building Healthy Communities Ohio,” a one-day forum in Columbus, Ohio that was part of a series of similar events held around the country. These forums convened experts from the public health and community development fields to exchange ideas, learn about collaborative efforts, and explore new partnerships that focus on and invest in healthy communities. This event was sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, in partnership with Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO) and the Cuyahoga County Department of Health.

Gene Wade, Founder and CEO of UniversityNow

In 2013, Forbes recognized Gene Wade, Founder and CEO of UniversityNow, as one of the most disruptive forces in education. Leveraging advances in technology and pedagogy, UniversityNow is building a network of universities that represent the most affordable and accessible way for anyone to earn a college degree from an accredited U.S. university.

Michael Peterson, President and COO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Michael Peterson, President and COO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation discussed the connection between a strong fiscal outlook, where our long-term debt is stabilized over time, and a growing, thriving economy. Unfortunately, despite recent improvements in near-term deficits, America’s long-term fiscal challenges remain and this threatens our economic future in communities across the country. Unless we change course, rising debt and interest payments will weigh down our economy, divert resources from critically needed public and private investments, increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis, and limit our flexibility to respond to such a crisis

Jay Bilas, ESPN Broadcaster

Jay Bilas, ESPN Broadcaster, Author and Attorney delivered the closing speech of the Fifth Annual Purpose Built Communities Network Member Conference in Charlotte, NC on October 1, 2014. He discussed how he developed his leadership skills and the notion of “toughness,” the title of his recent book, sharing experiences from his athletic career and beyond.

|October 13, 2014

Ian Galloway & Dr. Doug Jutte

Ian Galloway, Senior Investment Associate at The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Dr. Doug Jutte, Executive Director, Build Healthy Places Network discussed how health happens in neighborhoods, and yet, of the $2.7 trillion spent on healthcare annually, only a sliver goes to neighborhood improvement. Why? For one, the people in the community development sector don’t know the people in the health business.