We envision an America where every neighborhood offers pathways to opportunity and prosperity for the people who call it home. This vision doesn’t happen overnight or by accident. It is crucial to us as leaders at Purpose Built Communities to be intentional and collaborative as we plan for the future, and one way we do that is through our Strategic Plan.

We are both excited about the direction of Purpose Built and the opportunities and challenges that await us in the upcoming years. We are grateful for the partners we have in this work, including Network Members, aligned organizations, donors and supporters, and residents in each of the Purpose Built neighborhoods.

We know that neighborhoods shape us, and we have the opportunity to shape them as well. We recognize neighborhoods are a critical unit of change to put more people on pathways to happy, choice-filled, prosperous lives. Our Strategic Plan is guiding our work, and while we aren’t going to walk you through the plan in detail, there are key things we want you to know about where we’re headed:

#1 Focusing on quality growth and impact – This plan is a roadmap for growth and impact with quality over quantity as a guiding principle. The plan builds on the greatest strengths of Purpose Built’s work and positions us to evolve in the way we support Network Members while deepening our impact. By 2028, we estimate that we will have 35 Network Members and that those Network Members will have expanded their geography, too. At the same time, we are broadening the strategies we pursue at the city, statewide, and even national level that can complement the work of Network Members and clear pathways for deeper, broader success.

#2 Ready to lead the charge – Purpose Built is a leading voice in the newly developing field that ties together place and economic mobility. We are also leaning into a newly organizing field of flourishing neighborhoods. Purpose Built is already amplifying our presence to ensure these fields grow by sharing best practices co-created with Network Members. We stand ready to marshal resources, research, and talent to help create an America where prosperity is broadly shared.

#3 Investing in people and processes – Part of our plan is to invest in Purpose Built itself. We will deepen our expertise, data, technology, and systems to ensure we can provide sophisticated technical know-how, excellent support, and leadership to Network Members – all while measuring meaningful impact.

#4 An ambitious plan for an ambitious group – We set big goals because we are ready to achieve them. People in the neighborhoods where we are invited to work and Network Members deserve nothing less than our greatest effort.

The moment is ripe! As we watch our network grow, we are honing strategies and driving incredible movement toward equity and opportunity. We invite you to consider your role in this shared future. Every hand and skill can play a part – all it takes is a bit of courage and the willingness to say “yes.”

In service,

Carol R. Naughton, President & Chief Executive Officer
Purpose Built Communities

Michelle L. Matthews, Chief Strategy & Operations Officer
Purpose Built Communities