Together, we're sharing best practices for building better communities.

The Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference is an extraordinary opportunity to convene with other Network Members and leading industry voices to discover new methodologies, lessons learned, innovative approaches, and overall best practices for holistic community revitalization.

The Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference is held each year in one of our Network Member cities, featuring a dynamic panel of speakers and one of the most diverse gatherings in community development.

The Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference provides a forum for everyone from our Network to gather for inspiration, knowledge sharing, fellowship, and support.


The Network Member Community of Practice encourages modeling best practices for one another.

The goal of Purpose Built Communities is to build a nationwide Network of like-minded groups that can assist one another in replicating successful revitalization efforts.

These Network Members support one another through ongoing interaction, shared resources, templates, best practices, and lessons learned. The Purpose Built Communities Annual Conference delivers the platform to develop and expand a collaborative spirit

Purpose Built Communities