Why would a healthcare system get involved in the issue of affordable housing? Or play a critical role in establishing an affordable, high-quality preschool? That’s exactly what AdventHealth is doing in a partnership with the residents of the Communities of West Lakes in Orlando. They are just one of several healthcare industry partners investing in this neighborhood that houses some of their most frequent customers.

Read complete article on Medium.

Dr. Douglas P. Jutte, MPH, is Executive Director of the Build Healthy Places Network, a national organization that catalyzes and supports collaboration across the sectors of community development and health.

Carol Naughton has been a leader in comprehensive community revitalization for more than 20 years and is the President of Purpose Built Communities.

To learn more about the Communities of West Lakes, Purpose Built Communities and the intersection of health and community development, check out these videos from our 2018 annual conference.[/blue_box]