Purpose Built Network Member Seventy-Five North Revitalization Corporation is working to revitalize a struggling neighborhood in North Omaha. Othello Meadows III, executive director, recently shared his vision and progress with Omaha magazine…

Through Seventy-Five North, Othello Meadows III, lawyer by profession, community developer by chance, and North Omahan by birth, wants to bring three elements of greater good to North Omaha: high-quality, mixed-income housing; a cradle-to-college educational pipeline; an d a network of community services.

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He also shared his insights with Colorlines on the role of concentrated poverty in recent neighborhood controversy that went viral:

… in North Omaha, poverty is persistent, stubborn, inter-generational and suffocating. People are growing up in desperate situations and, unfortunately, that leads to the self-destructive behavior that we’ve been seeing here for a long time.

Read article.

Check out Othello Meadows’ popular TedX talk, “Place as Fate: The Injustice of Geography,”