Amplify GR

Grand Rapids, MI

Amplify GR works through partnership to identify and achieve shared goals that widen pathways for success in Boston Square, Cottage Grove, and the surrounding neighborhoods. We work together to honor the history of entrepreneurship and ensure that more equitable outcomes are passed through generations.

Amplifying Community

Geography should not determine destiny. Amplify GR firmly believes that neighborhoods should manifest in happy, healthy and hopeful young people with unlimited opportunities. Together we connect, create and amplify the great things already happening in the communities it serves.

Meet the Amplify GR team

Key Partnerships

It is imperative to shatter the inequities of the past, build a stronger community, and create a future where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Amplify GR and its partners utilize a holistic model built on authentic relationships to dismantle the cycle of generational poverty. This approach allows for neighborhood growth without displacing its most powerful asset: the people.

Meet the partners in this effort